Tuesday, December 24, 2013

YOU Can Become Extraordinary


What do Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Ronald Reagan, Mother Theresa, Steve Jobs, Jim Rohn, and Princess Diana all have in common? They were all extraordinary people in different ways. All of them impacted the world in an extraordinary way. Whether it’s as a civil rights leader, business philosopher, lover of the poor, tech genius, or as president of the United States.
   They each had a definite major purpose in life and pursued it with all their hearts. Nothing was going to stop them. You may be thinking right now as you read this that these people were different. That they had certain qualities that allowed them to achieve extraordinary results. However, that is complete fiction.
   Anyone can achieve the same extraordinary results they did. You can have the same impact on the world around you. No? All of these people were in the same position you are. They may not have set out to move mountains in the beginning, but they became the type of person capable of doing it. Extraordinary performance occurs when you are the best person you are capable of becoming.
   It doesn’t matter if you are a homemaker, teacher, pastor, mechanic, or if you bag groceries at the supermarket. Extraordinary performance can happen anywhere. All of it depends on what you do. If you spend time being negative and complaining all the time then you can bet that becoming extraordinary will take a lot longer. But if you have a positive mental attitude then you can get there much faster.
   A positive attitude will get positive results and a negative attitude will get……It really is that simple. You must live your life finding ways to be positive because negativity destroys everything it touches and it’s a slow death. Negativity causes pain, stress, anxiety, and health problems. One myth about being positive is that you see no weeds in the garden. Well, if you are that way then you better pull the weeds because they will take your garden. A positive person doesn’t see sunshine in the rain, they just enjoy the rain.
   Many people also fail to become extraordinary because they lack confidence. Lack of confidence is the root cause of laziness. When you don’t have confidence then many times you will do nothing. This doesn’t mean you won’t have a job, or pay your bills. It just means that without confidence you will fail to take the steps necessary to do what you want to do with your life. People without confidence will make excuses why they can’t do something. They will never become extraordinary. Do you think extraordinary people lack confidence?
   Another reason is that you have a poor philosophy. If your philosophy is to do as much work as you get paid for then you will always get paid that much. If your philosophy is to sit and watch television instead of reading a book that could change your life then you can expect to stay right there on the couch. Or is it to spend time partying instead of getting a second job to pay off your bills?
   What is your philosophy on life? It’s very important to know this. Think long and hard about what you do daily, and the decisions you make, and have made. Then you will figure out what your philosophy is.
   Who are the people you spend time with? Are they extraordinary? You say, “Well all my friends and family can’t be extraordinary.” That’s true, but it doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of time with them either. What happens when you spend time with extraordinary people? Two things; either you end up jealous and complain about them to other people who aren’t extraordinary and it brings you down further, or you feel uplifted and energized.
   The reason you feel great when you spend time with them is because extraordinary people do extraordinary things for others even if you just had a cup of coffee. Who in your life right now do you consider extraordinary? Model their behavior. Do what they do. Sound crazy? It really isn’t because when you learn about people that you admire you may try to do what they did to get there.
   Here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter who it is that you admire. They don’t have to be world renowned to be extraordinary. They can be the person next door, a co-worker, or your parents. Makes no difference.
   Now it is possible that you don’t have anyone in your life that you consider extraordinary. That was my issue. So I thought about who I thought was extraordinary, and I read, and read, and read about them. I looked to books for my extraordinary people and had no problem finding them. If you don’t read, then start. Read about the extraordinary people I mentioned above, or find other people you can model your life after.
      You can become extraordinary. It takes work on your part to analyze your life and see what you can do differently to change it. There is definitely something because if you don’t find anything then you aren’t being honest. The one major thing that sets extraordinary people apart is that they are constantly working to improve. You can start today. Make today the day you decide to become extraordinary, and have an impact on the world around you. It’s up to you!

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