Personal Growth Plan

   What is your plan for growth? Do you have one? If not, why not? Everyone needs growth. The whole point of making life change is for personal growth. If you don’t grow you don’t go anywhere. Each day is an opportunity for it. What you do, who you see, where you go are all chances for you to learn and grow. The knowledge you acquire will give you the ability to make substantial life change. As Cardinal John Henry Newman said, “Growth is the only evidence of life.”

   Here is your chance to move forward on a path to growth. You will have the chance to create your own plan for growth. Here are ten things that you can do to kick start your growth and kick start your life.

1.       Changing your Philosophy – Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom. Your philosophy will either lead you to a path of success or a path of destruction. It all depends on your philosophy. You get your philosophy from the things you learned as a child, from your parents, and the things you learn on a daily basis. When you have the proper philosophy nothing can stop you. Think about how you want to live your life. That is determined by your philosophy. What you learn, what you see, and who you meet will steer your philosophy one way or the other.

2.       Work Hard – You have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work it takes for personal growth. This means working hard on your job, but more importantly working hard on yourself. You need to work hard to get anything you want. If you have to get up early and stay late then that’s what you do. Don’t try to take the easy road. Be willing to work hard.

3.       Cultivate Relationships – The people you meet will have a deep impact on your growth. If you spend your time with intelligent people who are doing something with their lives it will help you. You can learn and model them to become the same type of person they are. Figuring out what knowledge you can take from people will have a lot to do with how much you grow. If you spend time with people who aren’t growing guess what happen? Exactly.

4.       Meditation – I love to meditate. I find that it cleanses my mind and soul. Sometimes my meditations are spiritual and sometimes I meditate on quotes, book passages, or ideas that I really need to concentrate on. Put yourself in a place where you won’t be interrupted and meditate. This doesn’t mean dwell on your problems it means dwell on things that will help you grow. Spend time each day meditating.

5.       Good Health – Are you in the habit of eating right and exercising for your good health? If not then get in the habit of being sick. Your health is very important for growth not only to have a long life, but you can certainly accomplish more if you feel good. A healthy person has vitality and exuberance. Healthy people seem to always be happy. That’s because they feel good. Instead of a cheeseburger have a salad. Mix in more vegetables and less fatty foods. You don’t have to be a vegetarian just eat healthier than you do now. Also take the time to walk around the block for daily exercise. It only takes thirty minutes but the benefits last forever.

6.       Setting Goals – Set goals that will make something of you to achieve them. You have to have goals to have growth otherwise what are you living for. There has to be something to strive for every day. To read more about goals read the page about Goal Setting on the side of the blog.

7.       Reading and Study – If you don’t like to read and study then start with 30 minutes a day. If you get inspired read longer, but start with 30 minutes. Learn more by reading the On Reading page on the right side.

8.       Personal Finance – If your finances aren’t in order how does the rest of your life look. Here is a simple plan for personal finance. Spend 70% of your money on what you need to live. 10% should be put into savings, 10% for investments either in something or yourself, and the final 10% should be donated to charity. Follow this plan and see what happens with your money and your growth when you see your money build.

9.       Learn New Skills – In your pursuit of self-education it’s important that you learn new skills. I know very little about repairing cars, but since I wanted to learn a new skill I started learning about how cars work. This is just one way to learn new skills. Find something you may have always wanted to learn and get educated. Don’t sit on your butt. If you don’t know you won’t grow.

10.   Create a Plan of Action – You need a plan for growth. Everyone has their own way to grow. Look at the previous nine ideas and figure out what you can do better, or more of, to create growth. Most likely you can improve on all of these and if that’s the case then great. Figure out how often you want to do certain things that will lead to growth. Some things will work well for you and some may not, but at least try everything. The key is to get started. Don’t wait around for someone to cheer you on. Cheer yourself on. The only person that can start growth is you. Nobody can do it for you and it starts with a plan. Action leads to everything else. Start by doing. Make it happen.






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