What is PMA?
What is PMA? PMA is
positive mental attitude. It is the way you deal with anything in your life.
Some people discount the importance of a positive attitude. Don’t let this be
you. PMA gives you the foundation to handle everything life throws at you. As Jeffrey
Gitomer says, “A positive attitude is paramount to your success, and the
foundation for everything you want to achieve in life.”
PMA does not mean
that nothing bad will happen to you, or that you should paint a rosy picture
anytime you have problems and challenges. What PMA does mean is that you go
into a problem thinking the right way in the beginning.
Having PMA will
give you an advantage over someone who does not use PMA. How many successful
people have you met that were negative? The answer is probably not too many.
The reason is because successful people have PMA. They also use PMA to their
advantage, so they aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zones and take
They go into
projects believing the best is going to happen. When you use PMA you can almost
will the right result to happen. How many times have you begun a project and
thought it would succeed? Usually when you expect a project to succeed in the
beginning it usually will. Conversely when you are negative before a project
what happens?
“Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive
expectations in advance of the event.” - Brian Tracy
It’s true. Winners
do make a habit of being and staying positive through their lives. Negativity
is dangerous. It causes stress, anxiety, sadness, you name it. Nothing good
comes from negativity. According to The
Little Gold book of Yes Attitude only 1% of people have a positive
attitude. That means 99% are negative!
Most people believe
the glass is half empty. They follow the phrase “expect the worst, hope for the
best.” That phrase is dangerous because when you expect the worst you start
with that attitude of expecting bad things to happen. There is nothing wrong
with preparing for the worst. In fact that is very smart. However, you should
always expect the best. Go into everything in life with the right attitude.
PMA changes how you
think, changes what you do, and leads you where you want to go. It’s that
simple. Are you ready for PMA? Are you ready to change your life? PMA will do
One thing that is
important to mention is that PMA takes work. PMA won’t be something that
happens overnight. There will be things in your life that will need to be
changed in order to achieve PMA, but it will be worth the effort. Utilize the
discipline to discover PMA. Having PMA doesn’t mean you won’t fail as W.
Clement Stone says, “Like success, failure is many things to many people. With
Positive Mental Attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the
ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try
again.” PMA means you will keep trying until you get the best result. You won’t
How do you get a Positive Mental Attitude?
There are three
things you can do to have a positive mental attitude. Obviously as you progress
with your PMA you will find other things that help strengthen your foundation.
These three ideas will help you build the foundation and get you to PMA. The
reason there are only three is because these three will help you change your
environment from negative to positive. It will give you the structure you need
and help you discover PMA and allow you to use it for the rest of your life.
“You can't make positive choices for the rest of your life
without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural, and enjoyable.”
- Deepak Chopra
As you change your
environment PMA gets easier and easier. As you get used to using PMA then it
becomes a habit. These three ideas will get you there.
Three Steps to a Positive Mental Attitude
1. Spend Time Thinking and
Writing Positive Thoughts
Spend thirty minutes
each morning thinking and writing positive thoughts. These thoughts should be
kept in a personal journal. Don’t trust yourself to remember everything you
think about. You need to record these thoughts, ideas, information, quotes, or
whatever else needs to go in there. Your journal should be used all the time.
Anytime a good idea strikes you write it down. The great Jim Rohn says, “Be a
collector of good ideas, but don’t trust your memory. The best collecting place
for all your ideas and information is your journal.”
Use your journal to
record your positive thoughts. When you think in the morning use it as
meditation. Think deeply about your life and where it can go. I meditate on
quotes so they sink deep into my soul. Quotes are ideas and strategies from the
world’s most influential people.
Meditating on
quotes keeps me focused and I use my thinking time to really understand the
quote I am studying.
Since you do such
deep thinking you need to make sure you do this in a place where you are
uninterrupted. This will allow you to take the time you need to get comfortable
and relax. This should be an opportunity for you to wake up to the world and
get ready for action.
Another thing to
record are your accomplishments from the previous day. Go over the day before.
What did you do, who you saw, and what did you learn should all be questions
you ponder during your thinking time. Make a habit of writing down what you
accomplished. The success will motivate you to continue to accomplish more.
Thinking will become a valuable part of your life. Most
people don’t take the time to think. Don’t be part of the 97%. Stand out! Make
the mornings valuable, and get started right.
2. Spend time Reading and
Listening to Positive Books and Lectures
Jim Rohn said
“That the only thing worse than not reading a book in the last ninety days is
not reading a book in the last ninety days and thinking no harm was done.”
Reading and listening are paramount to success in life. Reading should be done
on a daily basis. I know the idea of reading a book may freak you out. Maybe
you just finished school and the thought of studying turns your stomach, but in
order to make real life change it’s critical.
What you will learn
in books are tips and strategies to improve your life. The most influential
people in the world have written books telling you how they got there and still
people don’t read them. It’s a mystery really. Spend the next year reading 30
minutes a day and only positive books. No trashy novels. Read only books that
inspire you. Read biographies of people you admire, read personal development
books, and of course positive attitude books. Check the side bar for
recommended reading.
Your study should
take you somewhere every time you do it. If this doesn’t happen then you need
to study more, or more effectively. Look for the value. Figure out what the
person is saying to you and how you can use it in your own life. This is very
By reading you will
develop the thought patterns of the authors. They can provide a template for
you to create life change. Develop the discipline to read every day. Miss a
meal, but don’t miss reading.
You can also turn
your car or office into a classroom. Downloads, CD’s, DVD’s, and youtube are
just a few ways you can have a world class lecture at your fingertips. Your car
becomes a mobile classroom. You can get valuable ideas and strategies as you
begin your day, or make a road trip. Don’t waste time just listening to music
and talk show drivel. Use this time wisely. It’s a much better way to deal with
a traffic jam.
Understand that one
of these doesn’t replace the other. They both need to be done. Stay focused on
your own life change. Spend time thinking and reading on how you can improve
each day of your life.
3. Spend time with
Positive People
This one is so
important. The worst thing you can do while discovering PMA is to spend time
with negative people who seem like it’s their mission to bring you down. Get a
piece of paper and on one side write positive and the other side negative and
draw a line down the middle. List the people in your life who are positive and
those who are negative.
Really think about
it because it’s important. The positive people should become a focal part of
your life while you should spend as little or no time with people who are
negative. The reason is because negative people do nothing but take from you.
They bring no value. Have you ever spent time with a negative person? How do
you feel afterwards? Probably exhausted. That’s because they dump their
negative life on your shoulders.
Usually no matter
how good your mood is before you see them it is destroyed within minutes.
That’s why you need to stay away from them. The time you spend with negative
people should always be in an environment that you control. When the
conversation gets negative you can get away immediately or talk to someone
Take special care
with who you spend your time with. Keep your distance from anyone who could
ruin your PMA.
Are you ready?
So are you ready
for PMA? Are you ready to begin changing your life? When you discover PMA your
results will change. The way you live your life will be different. As you read
you will learn new ideas on what you can do to move forward in life. Your self-education
will change everything you do. You will be excited to tell people how you have
discovered PMA. PMA will lead you in so many different directions of
self-education that you won’t want to stop learning.
As former New York
Yankees third baseman Wade Boggs said, “A positive attitude causes a chain
reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it
sparks extraordinary results.” PMA will change how you treat people and will
improve your relationships. You will be amazed what happens just by creating a
positive mental attitude. Jump out. Make the decision to live life differently
and discover your positive mental attitude.
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