Monday, January 6, 2014

Motivation Monday: Who do You Choose to be?

                             “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to be.” – Carl Jung

   Every person on Earth has something happen to them that they dislike. Divorce, health problems, loss of job, car breaks down, a death in the family, or any other major problems. How do you react to these? Do you wallow in misery or do you do something about it?
   Unfortunately some people allow these issues to define them. Just because you’re unemployed doesn’t make you a loser. The definition of you is how you respond. Setbacks in life should spur you into action, not the other way around. If you are struggling with this then go back and look at the times when you did step up during adversity and took care of it. Everyone has at some point.
   The reason people get down when something difficult happens is because mentally they convince themselves that it’s the worst thing that could happen. The only time it’s the worst thing is if you choose not to learn, grow, and do something about it. If you lost a loved one it’s probably pretty certain the person that passed wouldn’t want you to grieve any longer than you should. You don’t need to forget them, but you do need to move on.

   Now is your time. Who do you choose to be? You have greatness within you. You can overcome any obstacle life throws at you. No matter how bad things might be you can do it. Make the decision that you will choose to be a superstar in your life. Be an example to yourself and people around you that you will rise to the occasion. The time is now to be the person you are capable of becoming. Only YOU can do this!

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