Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivation Monday - Conquering Self


                    “If you don’t conquer self you will be conquered by self.” – Napoleon Hill

   Most people don’t get what they want out of life for one reason and one reason only. They are unable to conquer themselves. It’s easy to blame circumstances for not getting what you want. That’s what most people do. However, 3% of people take full responsibility for their lives. They make the decision not to let the nagging voice inside lead them to defeat and despair. It’s that voice that leads to negativity, laziness, and unhappiness.
   Why is that? It’s because what you want to do will take hard work on your part to get there. To do the things you have always wanted to do in your life takes a major commitment on your part not to let anything stand in your way. You stand there and look at how tall the mountain is and walk away instead of starting to climb. You climb a mountain no matter how tall it is one step at a time. If you don’t start climbing all you’re doing is staring at the summit. You have to get moving.
   When you wait for circumstances or people to change around you without doing anything yourself you wind up frustrated when it is your fault to begin with. It is up to you. You are the only one that can stop you. No matter what is happening around you it is still your responsibility to get there. Don’t let those voices stop you from getting through. Write the book, run the marathon, lose the weight, whatever it is. Get started. There is no reason you can’t do it if you put the work in.
   Anyone who says living the life you desire doesn’t take hard work is full of it. You meet anyone who has had any degree of success and they will tell you how hard and long they worked to get where they want to be. It’s that simple. However, the reason they were able to do it is because they conquered self first. They didn’t allow anything to stop them. They did it themselves. So whatever it is that you want from life you need to make it happen. Stop the excuses and go for it. It’s in there inside of you. Tap into it and change your life forever.


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