Monday, September 9, 2013

Motivation Monday: Diligence


“Diligence is the mother of good luck.” – Benjamin Franklin

   I met a guy who bought a house. He talked about all the work his wife and he had done to find the perfect house. Then he proceeded to tell me how lucky they got. There was no luck involved. They got the home because of the work they did. Why do people blame luck on something that they clearly worked hard for?
   People don’t give themselves enough credit. They give luck the credit when they should be patting themselves on the back. I think the reason is confidence. They don’t believe they were good enough to do it themselves. This is a lack of confidence. When diligence is what got it done for them. It was all the work they did.
   Don’t blame luck when good things happen. If you look back on what you did beforehand I guarantee you will find out it was something you had done to create the luck. You can find out exactly what you did so you can get done whatever you want. Don’t blame it on some myth that luck does it.
   You can make anything you want to happen with diligence. With hard work you will be amazed at what will happen for you. You will find that everything you want to do in life will come as a result of diligence. The hard work, the long hours, and confidence can get you anything when you put the work in.


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